Location: Catskill, NY (High 82, Low 58)

Harry and I have been enjoying ourselves, and the beautiful upstate NY weather has been wonderful.

We’ve had a couple other days with rain, but not washouts. and yesterday for the second time in a week there was a beautiful rainbow over the campground.

A couple days ago, a former coworker of Harry’s invited us to dinner at his home. We had a wonderful dinner and then relaxed on the front porch.

My sister and I have been continuing our training for the half-marathon. This past Saturday, we ran 5 miles. And we actually ran the whole thing! This is the first time in my life that I have been able to run more than three quarters of a mile. I always thought I couldn’t run, but now I realize that I just needed to persevere through the training.

Today we took a drive down to Kingston.
It is nice to have a Camping World so close.

We were actually there last week, and bought a replacement X-chock. After getting back home, we discovered that it was defective. So back we went today to exchange it for another.

After that errand was accomplished, we headed for what has become one of my favorite places to get fresh fruits and veggies….Adams Fairacre Farms.
(It pays to tag along when my sister goes shopping – she tuned me into this great place.)

Lots of good food here! We had fresh green beans tonight for dinner – I think I am getting used to having the fresh stuff!!
We have just about finished all of our doctor’s and dentist’s appointments. Good reports all around – even from my trip to the dentist. Tomorrow Harry has his follow-up with the surgeon, and I have one more annual test next month, and then we are done for the year!
Life is good.