Location: Campbellsville, KY (High 57, Low 53)
Another week down – Week 8!! They are sure rushing by. The work levels seemed to be holding steady over the past four days, although they did offer VTO again three days out of the four. We were thinking that this seemed late in the season to be offering time off, but then I looked back at my blog for last year and we seem to be following the same pattern. In fact, I noted in my blog post for the the last week of October that we jumped right from voluntary time off to mandatory overtime. While we are enjoying our three days off each week, I am looking forward to that nice little jump in our paychecks.
Harry and I both have been spending a lot of time on the receive dock. I really enjoy the physical aspect of the work as the days go by really quickly. My hands are sore and sometimes my back tells me at the end of the day that I’ve lifted a lot of heavy boxes, but overall I’m feeling pretty good. I’ve also done pallet receive, which entails working on the dock to receive an entire pallet of product at one time. I didn’t do pallet receive at all last year, so this has been a new function for me. There are some days when we can do two or three different jobs in the course of the ten hour period.
We actually ended up driving to work a couple of our work days this week because the weather was so rainy. As in downpours! But thankfully it was just rain. We were under a slight risk for severe weather in this area, but ended up just having a few thunderstorms. Nice.
One very nice thing about our three days off this week is that my birthday falls right in the middle of it. And the weather is supposed to be great – high of 73 and sunny! I have a great day planned. I am going to go for a run in the morning, have a massage scheduled for midday and then out to Mexican for dinner. 
On the home front, we’ve been making a decision about our mail forwarding service. Currently we use Alternative Resources (which recently changed its name to Dakota Post). For various reasons, we had settled on South Dakota as our state of choice when we hit the road. But recent developments had made us rethink that. It started last year when we discovered that the law which supposedly enabled people to renew their license by mail one time before having to return to the state to renew in person doesn’t apply to rv’ers. I’ve still heard varying opinions about this, but according to our mail service, you must have proof of a stay within thirty days of renewing, which to me means it doesn’t work for rv’ers. So, because of this, Harry and I had already decided to switch our domicile when our licenses came up for renewal.
Our plans were accelerated this fall when we received notice that our mail forwarding company was moving. While mentally I wasn’t really ready to go through all the moving of addresses/insurance etc that changing our domicile state entailed, after thinking about it a bit, we decided that it really didn’t make sense to move all of our addresses and then do it again in two years. So we’ve made the decision and we’re moving to Florida!
We started last week by calling the place we decided on for our new mail forwarding service – St. Brendan’s Isle in Green Cove Springs, FL. We almost went with them two years ago before we decided on SD, and in hindsight we should have, but oh well, you win some, you lose some. We now have a new address, and will start the process of changing the address on all our accounts. We haven’t switched our insurance yet, but we did call our company (Geico) and have an idea of what our new rate will be. Our insurance is going up a bit, but the registration fee is going down, so it’s pretty much going to wash out. We will stop on our way down to Marathon at the end of December and get our registration and licenses taken care of. I’m glad that at least we’re getting started now. We will have some time to work on changing addresses on our days off before our old address is no more.
We definitely have enough going on to keep us busy.