One and a half fast months have flown by and here we are, down to our final day here in Brookside Campground. Tomorrow morning we will be pulling out of here for our trip to Iroquois Campground in Peru, NY.
Harry has most of his outside stuff done already and before the end of the day I will be finishing up inside.

This past week I finished up my work at my sister's office until we get back in the area next month. The best part of the job so far happened on Wednesday when we got to say "so long" to about twenty boxes of paper.
A month and a half's worth of scanning was gone in about fifteen minutes! What a great feeling!
Last night Harry and I met friends for dinner at one of our favorite local restaurants, a place called Yanni's Too which is right on the Hudson River.
It was a great way to end our time here in Catskill.
Tomorrow morning we'll be hitting the road for parts north.
Safe travels to you two, and happy anniversary :)