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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Amazon 2014 Financial Recap

Location: Earlton, NY (High 88, Low 58)

As I was going back through previous blog posts looking for posts to add to the two new categories on the sidebar, I was reminded that I never did the financial recap post I intended to do in January after we got our last check. So…better late than never, here it is…

Last year we started at Amazon on August 26th. In all we had 17 weeks to work for peak 2014. We had a different kind of season last year, as we took advantage of a bonus offer and moved to Louisville, KY for the last four weeks. In KY we made $10/hr, and in Jeffersonville we made $10.75/hr. (They have now standardized the pay so that this year all campers will make the same no matter which fulfillment center you work in – $10.75/hr.)

The first week at Amazon is always a partial week. The first day involves going over all the typical new job stuff. The second day is usually a tour of the facility and safety training. With an additional two days of short work shifts the first week is about 25 hours.

Besides the first week, Harry and I worked nine 40 hour weeks, two weeks with some overtime, two 60 hour weeks, and three 55 hour weeks. Those last weeks before Christmas were busy ones!

It paid off though. Between the two of us, we made $8271.04 each (gross). Plus at the end we received a bonus of $735.73 (gross) for our hours worked for a total of $18,013.54. This does not include the extra bonus that we received for moving to work at the second facility for the last month of the season.

Not a bad result for four months work. This year we expect to be starting the week of August 30th. That should work out to be about sixteen weeks worked this year. But we got a raise and we’re hoping again to get in as much overtime as we can. So hopefully we can come close to last year’s totals.

It won’t be long and it’ll be time to find out.


  1. Its a great way to fatten the nest egg if you want to be free to travel the rest of the year. We are just to old, to lazy, or to fat to do it. But we sure love being able to shop Amazon. Keep it up.

  2. With working one less month for George, and one more month for me compared to last year, we're hoping to come out the same on hours, but with the raise in pay it'll be nice to see what it turns out to be. Need to fatten our bank accounts again!
