Location: Peru, NY (High 71, Low 55)
I found myself this afternoon thinking about the old saying that all good things must come to an end. Not that we don’t have events coming up that we are looking forward to, because we are. But at the same time today feels like the beginning of the end in so many ways…our last day up here in the Adirondacks, this
week the last few days that we will be here in NY for the summer…the start of saying good-bye to friends and family for another seven months. I love our lifestyle and the fact that we are looking forward to another winter spent without having to dress up for freezing weather, plan for snowstorms and
everything else that comes along with a winter spent up north…but I also hate when it comes time for saying goodbyes. Unfortunately, this is the week of farewells.
We’ve already had our first – said goodbye yesterday to my mom and stepfather. We had a great couple of weeks up here. We didn’t do a lot of running – managed to run four times for a total of 17 miles. But we were still pretty active – went for a hike of 11 miles one day and went on four bike rides for a total of 130 miles. I have several blog entries to do to get caught up on the past couple of weeks and will try to get to those over the next few days. We had a lot of fun and saw a lot of the back roads around here from the seat of our bikes.
We also got our email from Amazon about our drug testing. At Campbellsville, KY, we get our start date first and then shortly after that, we are sent an email with a location in our area where we need to go to have the drug test done. We were happy to get a location in Plattsburgh, which is the only real city in the area and is less than ten miles from the campground
where we stay when we are up here. We went right away the same day that we got the email and took care of that last little required piece. Our start date is the 26th of August, which is now only a little over a week away. We have been surprised to discover that we are looking forward to going back to Campbellsville despite the long hours and work that we know will be coming along with that.
Tomorrow morning we will be packing up and heading back to Catskill for a few last days. Time for a couple more get-togethers with friends and family, the annual checkup for our two furballs, which I’m sure they will be excited about, and then on Friday we will be saying so long to another great summer in upstate NY.
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