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View From the Trail to Mount Colvin

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Yay! Our Home Is Back!

IMG_1647Another beautiful day, and we were off after I got out of work to pick up our fiver!

I snapped a nice shot of the Hudson River right before we got on the Castleton on Hudson Bridge.



We were SO excited to pick up our fiver and head back home. And WHAT a difference! We were both amazed at how smoothly the ride goes now in comparison to before.





What a great sight! Our driveway is full once more.






Checking out all the nooks and crannies for any sign of little visitors.






Happy to report that there are no signs of any “wildlife” having been around.





We had a brainstorm while the fiver was gone, and now that we have looked at this cabinet, we think it’s going to work.

Future site of a litter box modification…

It has been a great day. Backing into the driveway went reasonably well. I had the idea to tape it, and that worked out well for two reasons. First of all, we have already watched it and have made some adjustments to our plan of action for next time. And secondly, because we were happy to realize that what felt like 30 minutes when we were in the middle of it, was really only 10 minutes from start to finish. So we are definitely making progress.

Guess where we might be spending some time tomorrow? Flirt male


  1. The more times you do it the easier it will get. We just about killed each other the first few times we backed the Alfa into it's place on the upper drive, but now that I'm driving and Craig is giving the directions it is going very smoothly! Amazing.

  2. nice to see your 'home on wheels' back home again!!..very soon the view you will enjoy the best is the one out the side mirrors on the truck with the fiver following behind!!

  3. Yay! Now you can start the moving in process.

    Have you ever seen one of those end tables that has the litter box underneath? I think I've seen them online. Maybe that would work?

  4. That was a good idea to tape your backing in skills. Perception and reality are usually two separate things, so it should feel good to realize you really are making progress.
