Last night was our first night in the fiver. We had a great and relaxing evening. We were both tired, so we didn’t stay up too late. The cats settled in pretty well, except they were restless over night. We were awakened several times throughout the night when they decided to join us for awhile.
We were really pleased with the heat retention. We left the heat on 60 degrees and were perfectly comfortable under our nice down comforter. Harry got up in the middle of the night and checked the temperature. It was 27 degrees outside. We were both surprised since we were so comfortable. So I guess we don’t have to worry about what it will be like in the fiver this year during the late fall.
This morning we had our first Sunday morning breakfast in our new home. What a great feeling! We can almost forget that the “stix n bricks” are only a few feet away. I’m not sure if it feels real yet. Maybe it will when we are heading out for our first road trip, or when we get that “for sale” sign in the front yard.
We both got back to work this morning. Harry wanted to install the Pressure Pro system on the truck tires.
He still has the fiver tires yet to do, but that is on the agenda before we head out in three weeks.
My project was to start working in the house. I am going to do one room at a time. The living room was first on my list.
Here is the result after a couple hours of work.
For the most part, it’s all set – have some dusting, sweeping etc. yet to do, but all of the pictures and personal items have been removed.
One room down…six to go…