It’s been an interesting week – seems like we’ve been back from vacation a long time! We headed back to work on Wednesday, so that made for what seemed like a quick work week. Like everyone else, we’ve been watching the updates on Sandy. Although it doesn’t look like we’re going to get the main thrust of the storm, it still looks like it could be an interesting few days. It’s cloudy right now, but the rain is supposed to start here tomorrow morning.
Yesterday we were excited to find out that we were going to have a showing today. So we picked up all of our stuff, did our pre-showing house cleaning and moved everything out to the fiver this morning.
Then we headed off to my sister’s for our family Thanksgiving get-together. A few years ago, we started having our dinner earlier in the season. Living up here in upstate NY, it’s always a crap shoot whether the weather is going to
cooperate for several hours of traveling. More often than not, an early snow storm would put the dampers on our day, when someone would have to stay home due to the forecast. Plus it makes the holiday season a little more spread out, which is nice. (It will also work out well for us when Harry and I are traveling – hopefully we can plan our dinners before it is time for us to head south.)
It’s always great to get together. Even though we all live in NY, we usually only manage to get together once a year. The rest of the year we keep up through facebook and emails.
The kitchen always turns into the congregating place. My sister tried to get us into the living room, and it worked for awhile but gradually we all made our way back into the kitchen.
After we arrived home, we started making our preparations for the storm, just in case we should lose power. Harry is putting some water in the fresh water tank,
and we pulled the slides in, since wind appears to be one of the biggest threats that we are facing.
Later we will fill the bathtubs with water, so we can flush the toilets if we lose power. We have plenty of food and drinking water. We should be all set.
We are thinking about all of our friends and family who are more directly in Sandy’s path! Be safe everyone!!