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View From the Trail to Mount Colvin

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Zippin’ Right Along

IMG_1813These weekends are, that is! I knew this one would, because we had company, and I was right.

Schaun had fun playing in “camp driveway” while Harry worked on sanitizing the fresh water tank and water lines.



Schaun enjoyed “helping” Papa.







This past week was Schaun’s 3rd birthday, so we had a little celebration, and Schaun opened his presents.




This afternoon we worked on putting up some wall decorations in the fiver, and moving in a few more items to put away. I also put shelf liner on all the kitchen shelves and drawers.




We had an afternoon shower, and were happy to see some badly needed rain. Our April showers have been pretty lacking so far this year.


We are now done working for the day. Time to hang out, watch a little tv…and for dinner, homemade pizza with grilled veggies. Yum. Smile

Only 33 days left! YAY!! The days are zippin’ right along!!!


  1. Since we retired not only do our days zip along but so do the years. You really and truly wonder how you were able to go to work and still get everything done.

  2. Happy belated birthday to Schaun!..glad you had a lovely weekend...here is hoping the work week is just as good!

  3. Your still zipping along 16 days ahead of us. Maybe we'll catchup some day. Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  4. Getting that place looking real homey! Happy birthday to Schaun too!
    We are amazed at the weather pattern this year. No rain lately, not even yesterday! Now they're worried about a drought..what happened to all the flood water from September! :)

  5. The inside of the fiver looks so homey and cozy. Those 33 days will go really fast.

  6. We like you are planning for full time RVing. The house is listed now! It sure is stressful waiting for people to come through. It is also exciting seeing what fits from the old life to the new. We have decided that we need to buy a newer truck after weighing in at the scales a few weeks ago. Some stuff got taken back out and now we are weighing the trailer and truck again next weekend to see where we are. Have fun with your plans!
