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View From the Trail to Mount Colvin

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Phew! That was Close!

We are up in AuSable Forks for the day. We came up last night, and it was pouring rain all the way. What a sloppy trip! I was so glad to arrive at my mother’s house around 5:45. We had a nice evening until it was time to head to bed (well, air mattress).

This morning we headed out for our excursion to the granite place.

It is a gray day. There are actually two granite places in AuSable. Adirondack Custom is not the one we’re using.



Granite Mountain was our destination.

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The trip up took several minutes; the road was very desolate. It would probably have been more pleasant if the sun had been shining.

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Once we arrived at the office, we all donned hardhats, and the rep took us out to see the granite.


This is the piece of granite we have chosen. See that nylon rope holding the granite to the A-frame? You’ll see why I am drawing your attention to that in a moment.


After we picked out our piece of granite, we walked around looking at the other types and colors they have here. The wind was really blowing. All of a sudden, we heard a noise and looked back.


We were standing between those two pieces of granite just a couple minutes before the wind blew it over. I don’t know if you can see it in the picture, but the rope was frayed, and must have just snapped. After that, we were tired of exploring and headed back to the office with the rep to finalize details. On a positive note, at least the rain held off!

I am getting excited about this kitchen remodel. I think it is going to look really nice. (But it’s not going to keep us from hitting the road in a few years. Winking smile)


  1. What broken mess is NOT your selection? Right?

  2. No, thank goodness, that was not our piece of granite!! We actually went back and looked at ours, and the rope looked pretty secure.

  3. It's funny you are using Granite Mountain. I did some consulting for their Austin, Albany & California offices a few years ago. Yet another case of "small world!" I would've had them do my kitchen also, but they fired the best guy they had in Austin, so I had his new company do the work instead.

  4. Wow, good thing you weren't there then! Nice looking granite, can't wait to see the final product.
