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View From the Trail to Mount Colvin

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Scents of Fall

I was just out taking my 3 laps around the block. While I really do not enjoy the thought of winter being right around the corner, I do love the familiar smells of the autumn season. I don’t even know for sure what causes that familiar scent – I’ve always thought it was the smell of decaying leaves, but I am not positive about that. And pretty soon that smell will be joined by the unmistakable aroma of wood smoke from people’s houses.

This tree on our front lawn is well on the way to losing its leaves.


I remember reading somewhere once that the sense of smell is the scent that is most connected to your memories. I could really appreciate that today while I was walking because all of a sudden I was remembering trick-or-treating with my brother and sister, and jumping around in piles of leaves while my mother and father tried to clean up the lawns. I think we dispersed more leaves back around the lawn than we picked up!

This one is even more past its prime.


But this one is only just getting started.


Harry and I are heading north to my mother’s house this weekend. I am hoping that the foliage up there will be at its peak so we can get some nice pictures!


  1. Those trees are really nice with all the fall colors. Great header picture too!

  2. I never associated memories which smell but my daughers too. They both have made remarks about recalling something from their childhoods when they smell certain odors.

    Some leaves starting to change here in Mountains of NC. Heading to TN tomorrow. Will see what changes that brings. I will miss the beautiful fall show in the northeast.

  3. Certain smells remind me of stuff. like some perfumes remind me of my aunt and fresh cut grass reminds me of my youth.
    great pictures!

