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View From the Trail to Mount Colvin

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Monday, December 27, 2010

One More Note from Today

Wow – three posts in one day! I think that’s a record!! Be right back

I did end up making it to work this morning – only a couple hours late! The snow plow finally came through our development around 9 am. Harry went back out and cleaned the driveway again, since the plow had filled in the mouth of our driveway, plus we had gotten several inches since the first cleanup. Then Harry took me over to work. The main roads weren’t much better than ours was – I am very glad that I only live about 5 miles from my work. It was a pretty quiet day, although we did have a number of hardy souls who came in to do their business. Now I am home for the evening and glad to be settled in. Let me tell you - neither of us are going to miss these winter storms. Sarcastic smile

1 comment:

  1. 5 miles?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!? I travel 2 hours each way to work in nice weather. During winter storms that can double!

    I think the closest I have ever been to work is 20 miles. Ah well you're home now so enjoy the warmth! :)

