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View From the Trail to Mount Colvin

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Thursday, March 17, 2011


What a great week this has been! Well, other than getting my sleep schedule back on track from the time change. But it has been so worth it to have sunlight in the evenings now. And, we have some of our lawn making a reappearance after the winter!


Finally! The snow is really starting to melt away. And we are supposed to have temperatures in the mid to high 50s this afternoon.  So how much of this snow will be gone by this afternoon? A lot, we hope!!

Look! Only a few inches left!! (Except for the piles near the road, but those always take longer to go in the spring.)


The snow around our flagpole is almost gone. Will it be gone by tonight? And, are the tulips already growing under there? We shall see – soon, I hope!


It has been so great to be able to get outside with only our spring coats this week. It is the one bright spot of living through a north country winter – the great feeling that comes with a north country spring! Someone made a comment about our lack of gloves and other cold weather gear the other day while we were barbequing. I rarely wear gloves, and even more rarely wear a hat, even during the winter. Basically the only time I wear gloves is after a work day when it’s been snowing, while I’m clearing the car off before the trip home. But truly, one strange thing about having high temps in the 20s for 2 –3 months straight – 46 degrees really does feel warm. I don’t know how long that will take to change when we start traveling and are down in warmer areas for the winter, but I will let you know when it happens!! Open-mouthed smile

Have a great day! I’ll take more pics tonight!


  1. Has ya givin any thought as ta what yer gonna post about when the snow melts? If yer a little short on ideas, ya might wanna consider rain and sun, cause once ya actually get into this fulltime lifestye in a couple of years, ain't gonna be no more snow.

  2. Haha! I know, I will have to give it some thought once I don't have snow and cold to talk about anymore! But I figured people would appreciate seeing what it is like living in northern NY - this is a snow melt watch area!! :)

  3. Hey, I'm enjoying watching the snow melt! I know how much you have had this year.

    I have not had on a winter coat since moving out of Wisconsin 30+ years ago.

    Except when skiing of course, but not at home.
