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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Vacation Prep

I know this week is going to zoom by extremely quickly, so today is the main day to get stuff organized and ready for our trip! Most of that prep is nothing too exciting – laundry is going, suitcases are coming out, and soon clothes and other essentials will be going in! However, we did take a little bit of time today to do some fun pre-vacation pampering…

IMG_0786..my sister and I went and had pedicures!!






Ahhh…vacation can come any time now…


  1. Looks relaxing. Where's Harry? He deserves one too for all the work he has been doing lately.

  2. Any excuse for a little pampering is legit in my estimation.

  3. My favorite 'me time'. Pedicure! Bet you are excited to get that vacation started!
