Evenings like this make me think of fall. Harry is already making “you’re not going to turn the fans on tonight, are you” noises at me!! I love fresh air at night. We have fans in the windows which bring in wonderful air pretty much all summer (and fall). I usually leave the windows open right into October – well, the one on my side anyway. I can’t believe that we are almost to the end of July. Where is the summer going? We may try to get a bike ride in this weekend if it is nice enough. Sunday is our better option as far as time goes, but scattered showers are in the forecast.
Speaking of sleeping, Ariel can make herself comfy just about anywhere.
while Crookshanks likes to settle in on the “top bunk”
I was just thinking the same thing, where has the summer gone?! I was getting a bit chilly actually. We had a 'date night', went to a local hotel that has a great restaurant with an outside patio. Had drinks and appetizers and listened to music. Lots of race people staying there for the Pocono 500. Fun stuff. Taking our bikes out tomorrow too!