So today was a nice day. Started it out with a walk that was cut a little short. I did two laps around my route. On my second time around I heard something in the brush. Didn’t think too much of it, as I often hear small wildlife running around in there – usually rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks. Although this did seem to be making more noise than usual. At one point I actually stopped and looked around, but I didn’t see anything.

So I continued around, passed my house again, and started on my third time around. When I got up to the corner, and started up the small hill, I saw a state trooper car up ahead. I was standing about where this picture was taken and the trooper’s car was not far from where the car is parked in this picture.

When he saw me, he turned his vehicle and drove toward me. (Hmmm, do I look innocent enough?
) He stopped his vehicle, and said, I just thought I’d let you know that we received a call from a house down the road that they saw a bear in their back yard. He indicated a house right down the way where I’d just been walking 5 – 10 minutes before and hearing the noises in the brush. O….K….think I’ve walked enough for one morning. Yes, I know all that stuff about them being more scared of me yadda, yadda, yadda…but I just didn’t feel like testing that hypothesis out for myself. If Harry had been walking with me, I would have been braver, but by myself? NOPE! 
My sister arrived around 9 am, and we took our field trip over to the RV place. It was fun; we looked around at the different models. The woman in the office gave me her key and I was able to unlock the doors and lock up after us. My niece Hannah enjoyed trying out the beds and couches, and checking out the shower. They had two Hitchhikers, but they were small ones. I think one was an LS and the other I think was a Discover America, but they were both smaller, 29, and I think 32 ft. We are looking at a 38 ft. one so it’s quite a bit larger, but at least it gave Denise an idea of what we’re looking at. She was surprised and impressed by the amount of storage space. It was a fun day. I brought my camera, but forgot it in the car – it didn’t do me much good there!!
Before I sign off for the evening, I’d like to welcome new followers – Rick and Paulette, (Rick I have been enjoying your blog with the beautiful pictures you take of your surroundings, and the great computer tips. I’ve learned a lot from you – thanks!) and Al AKA Stargeezer. (Al, I’ve recently discovered your blog, and am enjoying your unique take on things!) Thanks for joining my group of readers!