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Monday, January 17, 2011

A Quick Update

An update on the events of our day will be very quick! We went nowhere, and did nothing much. Sarcastic smile Watched some tv, relaxed on the couch, and made a wonderful and delicious breakfast mid-morning.

We got a call from our realtor this afternoon. She was very pleasantly surprised at the change in condition in our condo since we met her there on the 5th of January. She took the potential buyer through a number of the condos for sale in the complex. Bottom line – we are very good contenders, and she thinks that our listing price is right on based on what she saw in the other units. One of the other condos for sale at the same price is right across from ours, also vacant, and ours is in better condition (according to the realtor). So that was all good news. It sounds like the buyer is interested in making an offer, but at the moment, she has a lease which ends in June. So this is a little early as far as obtaining a mortgage. So we shall see – so far things at least sound positive.

Tomorrow – something new – a winter storm. Thinking smile This one looks to have a mix of precipitation types, which is even worse than just getting snow as far as I’m concerned. I have to go in to work in Albany to help at a different branch, but luckily Harry and I are able to commute together. Hopefully the storm will pass us by – we can always hope, right?


  1. I'm glad she liked it. Hopefully the realtor will bring in some others as well.

  2. keeping my fingers crossed....
